Hello sweethearts,

That was the highlight of my day. Then we got home, and we were playing out front. We live on a cul-de-sac, so its perfect for playing out in the frontyard. Me and the "big girls" sat on the front porch and read and listened to ipods while all the little ones were playing four square and baseball.
Well, do I have a pageful for you. I have soo much to talk about this week. I wish I would have been able to post earlier but the munchkins have kept me on my toes all week. Well this was the first week that all the kids were out of school, so starting bright and early monday morning we had about 15 kids at my house. We planned out all of our field trips, and headed to the park. Thats when the trouble began, and i realized how the children of the younger generations are so different from the kids I grew up with, and I'm not even that old. We had only been at the park for about 20mins, when one of the kids started complaining about being bored, and not wanting to be there, and that there was nothing to do. My brother and I just looked at each other and rolled our eyes. We could not believe their attention span was so short. We then started reminescing about how we would be outside for hours, and play games that we made up. We talked about how we would use our imagination and pretend we were pirates or power rangers. I talked about how I loved playing sports, and dress up with my friends. 

(not sure where these came from collected from several blogs)
How great would it be to be an adult, and still be able to play dress up?? I love the last picture from the magazine its absolutely adorable. That would be so much fun to dress up as pirates, but wouldn't it be even better if we could fly off to neverland as well? I wish my daycare kids were as active as I remember being, but this is the world of 8 year olds with cell phones, and ds's. So I guess we'll have to ammend that.
There are some advantages to working with a daycare.. the field trips!! Who doesn't love a good field trip? Well on Wednesday we went and saw Night at the museum 2
There are some advantages to working with a daycare.. the field trips!! Who doesn't love a good field trip? Well on Wednesday we went and saw Night at the museum 2
it was fantastic!! I loved it! I've seen both of them, and I thought this one was great, even better then the first one. It was so cute, and funny. I especially liked the amelia earhart character, and when I saw this photo it made me think of her

That was the highlight of my day. Then we got home, and we were playing out front. We live on a cul-de-sac, so its perfect for playing out in the frontyard. Me and the "big girls" sat on the front porch and read and listened to ipods while all the little ones were playing four square and baseball.

(this is what my front porch pretty much looked like, not entirely sure where this image came from either)
and their shoes inspired me to take a picture of my own with converse bc the girls and I were all wearing them too.
This has been a great start to summer. And of course I have to put a picture of my adorable godson in this post.
this is his idea of dress up,
I'll have to say laying by the pool isn't a rough life either, I've already started getting some color. One of my friends and I also joined a kickboxing class, and Tuesday was our first night, and let me tell you we were dying. I could not believe how tough it was, I told my mom I'm pretty sure the lady was talking specifically to me when she said things like "if you cant keep up do something with your arms." This was the first of hopefully many classes to come, also my mom and I are going to play volleyball, and I joined a co-ed softball team, so hopefully I'll get back into shape.
Ok, well I have a few other things to share, but hopefully I'll be able to post them tomorrow before I go to Disneyland! Until then, everyone have a wonderful rest of their Thursday!
josslynn nicole
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