via here
Hello my dears,
well, I am an English major, as you may or may not know. I am currently enrolled in a creative writing class, and for the first half of the class we are writing poems. For me this is rather difficult, but I have decided to share a few with you, and if you wouldn't mind leaving some feedback in the comments I would really love that!
josslynn nicole
Poem 1
Camping Companion (also called Silence as an answer)
I called out your name,
but was met with
Not even a whisper.
I knew you were there,
I felt you when I reached out my trembling fingers,
and tried to roll closer,
but you didn't answer me.
You were tumbling through the treacheries of night.
like me,
for a place to rest your head.
I was there,
ready to provide a pillow,
but you refused, and let your head be caressed by
the cold, hard, gound.
As you rolled away,
with a swish of your sleeping bag,
my heart sank.
that were once
beacons in the night, guiding my heart
faded away.
Like my feelings for you,
with the flood of the moonlight.
Poem 2
Sleeping Bags
Swish. Swish.
Her sleeping bag brushed against his.
The polyester piece of protection
was preventing more than the cold from seeping in.
She rolled closer.
He rolled away.
Or was he searching for a different warmth?
As she lay there, alone and cold,
she pondered his thoughts.
She longed for love, but at the moment wanted something simple.
She merely wanted the warmth of another.
The heat, the connection, the vitality of someone else.
But all was lost on a mere micommunication.