well today i just wanted to post about a few munchkins who are pretty near and dear to my heart! I love them very much, and miss them!! Today some sad things took place to affect the life of one of my loves, and I just pray that God will work through this event in her life, and make her a better person for this. She's a strong little one, and I just hope that she will be ok. That being said, I just wanted to do a post on these little ones whom I have watched grow up, and whom I feel like are a part of my family. I feel like I have about 15 other brothers and sisters, and I care whole heartedly about them, and it hurts me to see them hurt. So Im just asking for some strength to not be upset about a decision that confuses me, and hurts some one I love who does not deserve this, and is not even old enough to understand the rejection. I hope that all of you are having a good week.
josslynn nicole
oh my goodness those boys are too indentical! how cute.