Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
New week, new happenings..

Sunday, March 28, 2010
Day 3
We spent the third day on a scavenger hunt that took us all around the city. Me and the guy in our group, Stephen were super competitive, so we ended up in first place, and we got everything done on the list. It was a ton of fun! we got to see soo much of the city, it was great!
josslynn nicole
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Day 2
our own leader, Daniel, playing the violin at the homeless church
Day 2 (Sunday)
Day 1 in SF
(photo courtesy of my friend Mallory)
Well my friends, we got there on saturday, and we had road tripped from Santa Barbara. We stopped for lunch, and then go to the church tand kind of just got a feel for what we would be doing. We ate dinner, played pictionary, and then took the bus to get ice cream at Mitchell's. Great first night. Everyone seemed to be instantly comfortable with one another. It was the beginning of a great adventure.
josslynn nicole
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Fairy tale fabulousness
modern day princesses
a lovely little post about some modern glass slippers
ahh..... today was a fairy tale....
josslynn nicole
Andrew's bday
Just a quick post about this lovely website I found. My godson's older brother Andrew turned 13 this past month, and while looking for a gift for him I came across this website that had wonderful kids' bedding. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! Have a lovely day!
josslynn nicole
Monday, March 8, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
5 things I fancy Friday!
Monday, March 1, 2010
21 before I'm 21

josslynn nicole
3 - salsa dancing
2 - do karaoke
Update please!
- party was so-so on Friday
- Saturday was a homebody, I turned off my phone, cleaned, watched movies, stayed in my pajamas, and just hung out
- event on Sunday was a BLAST!!! - when we do a post on our Toast blog I will definitely send you guys over there
Hope you all had a great weekend!
josslynn nicole
New Month! New thoughts!
Hello Darlings, Well this month is a time for new things!!! I am on a new track this month, starting to stick to new goals, and new ideas, and trying to stay positive of about everything in life. So here is the beginning of you looking into my life. Here is the first installment, and I decided to do a "my bag" post.
So, first off, my purse - Vera Wang from Khols, its like a "bowler bag style" lets start clockwise from my "keep calm and carry on" notepad
- "keep calm and carry on" notepad - where i keep track of my daily spending, and its just a daily reminder that I find very cute
- Flower print notepad - there is another notepad below it filled with plot ideas, story lines, and characters that spark from events and people in everyday life.
- Red Camera - this is my travel camera, I keep it in my purse for pictures for my work blog, and then also for just everyday I have a big camera for events
- Black planner- below all of those i have my planner, which is color coded, has my passport, and business cards in it, and also carries my bills, letters, and special cards, and my check book, so its kind of multi-purpose
- Pens- i love pens, specifically black and purple pens
- Toast & Love lip balm - I love this, I got it as a thank you gift for an event we did with this great church, and the wonderful lady in charge of the event got it because it said Toast on it, love it!! so thoughtful!
- travel deordorant
- tylenol
- travel mirror
- brush
- Hot Pink British Flag wallet - pretty much in love with London, and its one of those clutch wallets, and its my two favorite colors
- my blackberry
- another notebook - black used as an extension of my character/plotline journal
- notepad - for the endless to do lists that I write
- "Very Sexy" make-up bag
Sorry if that was boring, but I just really wanted to do a "whats in my bag" post. What is actually missing from my bag is lotion, a good book (redeeming love is just too large to carry around) and my sunglasses, which were probably in my car, and my car keys. Hope you enjoyed this, I hope to give you little insights into who I really am all week!
josslynn nicole