The girls and I dressed in our best plaid
I actually went home the first weekend because my brother had a 5day weekend so he came home as well, it was very nice, we hung out wtih the family, and discussed at length his roommate situation.
As well this past week, I started my internship at the fantastic company TOAST. Here is a link to the website www.toastsantabarbara.com As well i am on that blog too! I am so excited about everything that is going on this year. I feel like I have finally come into myself as a college student, and it is quite an amazing feeling!
At long last you are all officially up to date on the current happenings of my life.. The above picture is how I spent my saturday, with a coke, a cupcake and a captivating novel.. Oh it was quite a lovely afternoon. Today I am enjoying a dreary santa barbara day, this morning I went to church, and this evening I am going to cook for my girlfriends, yes you read right, I am going to COOK, I know it is a little hard to fathom since the extent of my cooking skills is whatever can go in the microwave, mac n cheese, and cereal, which doesnt really count. But since they have been cooking amazing meals for me, it is now my turn to repay them. So I am attempting shrimp bruschetta, and soup, and salad, which shouldn't be too hard, I hope, I will let you know the outcome. Until then Ciao!
josslynn nicole
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