It's finally friday!! I am so happy, I woke up so refreshed, and in such a good mood. I have to tell you that I have been sticking to my morning schedule, and with Megan's playlist it was even better this morning. Along with that last night I joined a volleyball club team at our school, actually I will be heading up the girl's team because the league the club team had joined is an all men league, so the women will not be able to play as much. So the guys in charge said that if one of us girl would head up the girls team he would get us all the information to join our own league, and if it was too late for that at least we would be able to play in women volleyball tournaments. I am sooooo excited about it! So after that was settled we played Queen of the court, and then we got to play a full game. I was in heaven. I don't know if I told you guys that I tried volleyball last week at the YMCA and it was a little intimidating, but last night I felt like I was in my element! AHHH I loved it. So going to bed in such a good mood, and a little bit exhausted from the sport, that allowed me to wakeup in such a blissful mood. As well I had the most wonderful dreams last night. So all around my Friday started out great! And I have so much to look forward this weekend. On Saturday we have the first event for my internship. We are doing this big event called Storyteller for Santa Barbara, and I am so stoked. I will definitely report back and let you know how it goes. Alright my loves, I hope that your Friday turns out wonderfully!
josslynn nicole
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