I know I am overwhelming you with tons of posts today, but I just feel like I haven't shared alot in a while. Today was just a really overwhelming day. I was faced with a lot of reality checks and I was just really down and out. So instead I tried to avoid it all today but tonight it must have gotten to me and it must have been showing on my face because I was at the gas station and I had to pull in between two cars, and i was super far away from the pump, and I was so disgruntled. So I get out of the car and I must have had the worst look on my face of total dejectedness, and the guy pumping gas behind me was like "your gonna make it" it just put the biggest smile on my face. It totally brightened my day because he may have just been talking about making the pump reach my gas tank, but for me it meant way more. It meant that I was going to make it through all the stuff that I have been going through. It totally reminded me of this post on yes and yes blog, (http://www.yesandyes.org/) that was talking about compliments. I loved it and just wanted to share.
josslynn nicole
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