Well hello beatiful people,

Then sunday, Father's day, I didnt get to see my father, but I did get to see my wonderful Grandfather, my grandma's prince charming. And I would like to wish all the fathers out there a Happy Late Father's day!! Hope you enjoyed it.
As well I would like to wish my two friends, Chino, and Anthony, who are new fathers a very Happy 1st Fathers day, and I wish them many more happy father's days.

So, the weekend was quite a blast, and then there was Monday, my mom let me have the day off, and I was able to enjoy a beautiful summer day with my beautiful best friend, Alyssa. We decided to act like we were little kids all over again, and we road our bikes to the village, which is the downtown of our little city. We decided to eat lunch at this cute restaurant, T.Philips, and then went to our local grind, Classic Coffee, and had the most delicious carmel frappes ever. We literally looked like a scene right out of Now and Then, when they road their bikes out to go swimming. We had a lovely time, and as we were riding back alyss and I realized why I am single when I honked the horn on my bike (yes, i am like a little kid, i have a horn on my pink beach cruiser, i also have a basket) at the most inappropriate time, which of course was when a really cute guy was driving by with his windows down. haha, oh well, I am content with who I am.

my best friend, drinking her ginormous coke.
Well this weekend was quite interesting. Friday was great, got to spend it with marina, at downtown disney, and we got to indulge in absolutely delicious food, lol at least by my standards. Then I got to play in a softball game because they needed another girl, it was a lot of fun, despite my less then satisfactory performance.

Then Saturday we had a wonderful day, my little brother, mom and I all went out to lunch, and then we went to this new place they just put in and got massages, and then we went and saw the proposal, it was quite a wonderful time. The massages were amazing, and the movie was too cute! I love ryan reynolds.

Then sunday, Father's day, I didnt get to see my father, but I did get to see my wonderful Grandfather, my grandma's prince charming. And I would like to wish all the fathers out there a Happy Late Father's day!! Hope you enjoyed it.
So, the weekend was quite a blast, and then there was Monday, my mom let me have the day off, and I was able to enjoy a beautiful summer day with my beautiful best friend, Alyssa. We decided to act like we were little kids all over again, and we road our bikes to the village, which is the downtown of our little city. We decided to eat lunch at this cute restaurant, T.Philips, and then went to our local grind, Classic Coffee, and had the most delicious carmel frappes ever. We literally looked like a scene right out of Now and Then, when they road their bikes out to go swimming. We had a lovely time, and as we were riding back alyss and I realized why I am single when I honked the horn on my bike (yes, i am like a little kid, i have a horn on my pink beach cruiser, i also have a basket) at the most inappropriate time, which of course was when a really cute guy was driving by with his windows down. haha, oh well, I am content with who I am.
This is me, before we started out on our little biking adventure, posing in front of my brother's dodge dart. just messin' around. Well, on that note, tonight I am going to my cousin's 13th birthday, geez I cant believe he's getting so old. And then off to the midnight showing of Transformers 2, cant wait. I hope all of you have a beautiful rest of your week!!
xoxo, josslynn nicole