Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Oh my Monday!

Well hello beatiful people,
Well this weekend was quite interesting. Friday was great, got to spend it with marina, at downtown disney, and we got to indulge in absolutely delicious food, lol at least by my standards. Then I got to play in a softball game because they needed another girl, it was a lot of fun, despite my less then satisfactory performance.
Then Saturday we had a wonderful day, my little brother, mom and I all went out to lunch, and then we went to this new place they just put in and got massages, and then we went and saw the proposal, it was quite a wonderful time. The massages were amazing, and the movie was too cute! I love ryan reynolds.

Then sunday, Father's day, I didnt get to see my father, but I did get to see my wonderful Grandfather, my grandma's prince charming. And I would like to wish all the fathers out there a Happy Late Father's day!! Hope you enjoyed it.As well I would like to wish my two friends, Chino, and Anthony, who are new fathers a very Happy 1st Fathers day, and I wish them many more happy father's days.

So, the weekend was quite a blast, and then there was Monday, my mom let me have the day off, and I was able to enjoy a beautiful summer day with my beautiful best friend, Alyssa. We decided to act like we were little kids all over again, and we road our bikes to the village, which is the downtown of our little city. We decided to eat lunch at this cute restaurant, T.Philips, and then went to our local grind, Classic Coffee, and had the most delicious carmel frappes ever. We literally looked like a scene right out of Now and Then, when they road their bikes out to go swimming. We had a lovely time, and as we were riding back alyss and I realized why I am single when I honked the horn on my bike (yes, i am like a little kid, i have a horn on my pink beach cruiser, i also have a basket) at the most inappropriate time, which of course was when a really cute guy was driving by with his windows down. haha, oh well, I am content with who I am. my best friend, drinking her ginormous coke.

This is me, before we started out on our little biking adventure, posing in front of my brother's dodge dart. just messin' around. Well, on that note, tonight I am going to my cousin's 13th birthday, geez I cant believe he's getting so old. And then off to the midnight showing of Transformers 2, cant wait. I hope all of you have a beautiful rest of your week!!

xoxo, josslynn nicole

Friday, June 19, 2009

Weekend getaway

Hello beautiful people,
Its finally FRIDAY!!! I'm so exicted, I'm babysitting this morning, and then I am off to the happiest place on earth; DISNEYLAND!! This week has been all about being a kid, and so now it is my turn to go to the land of fantasy, where all your dreams come true, (if only it were that simple) but at least I'll be able to escape the chaos for a little while, and hang out with some of my best friends.

Last weekend I got to see my roommate and we went to in'n'out together, and this weekend I get to see my roommate from last year, and go to disneyland with her!
(this picture of me and my girls courtesy of liz)
(LtoR Shannon (my roommate from last yr, me, Liz,meg(my freshmen yr roommate, trisha, katelyn, and marina(also my roommate freshmen yr and the one going to dland with me)

Well continuing in the realm of fantasy, I just read a great book called "Austenland" by Shannon Hale, it was phenomenal, it was a cute, short read about a woman who finds herself so wrapped in the idea of a Jane Austen romance that she doesn't seem to be able to hold up in any real relationships. Well one of her great aunts visits her, and pinpoints exactly what she is doing, and then she passes away, and leaves in her will that the girl is supposed to take a trip to this place where they act like they are living in the 19th century, and they have actors, and give you a wardrobe, and it transports you to another world. Well lets just say she gets a little closer to some of the actors, and doesn't know what is reality or just part of the package. Its a very good novel, and I would definitely recommend it to all hopeless romantics out there waiting for their own mr. Darcy to come into thieir lives. I absolutely loved it, and wished a place like "Austenland" really did exist.
Well lovelies, have a beautiful weekend, and i hope theres a little bit of fantasy, or childlike magic in it for you. I'll enjoy a ride or two for all of you!!
josslynn nicole

Thursday, June 18, 2009

childish ambition

Hello sweethearts,

Well, do I have a pageful for you. I have soo much to talk about this week. I wish I would have been able to post earlier but the munchkins have kept me on my toes all week. Well this was the first week that all the kids were out of school, so starting bright and early monday morning we had about 15 kids at my house. We planned out all of our field trips, and headed to the park. Thats when the trouble began, and i realized how the children of the younger generations are so different from the kids I grew up with, and I'm not even that old. We had only been at the park for about 20mins, when one of the kids started complaining about being bored, and not wanting to be there, and that there was nothing to do. My brother and I just looked at each other and rolled our eyes. We could not believe their attention span was so short. We then started reminescing about how we would be outside for hours, and play games that we made up. We talked about how we would use our imagination and pretend we were pirates or power rangers. I talked about how I loved playing sports, and dress up with my friends.

(not sure where these came from collected from several blogs)

How great would it be to be an adult, and still be able to play dress up?? I love the last picture from the magazine its absolutely adorable. That would be so much fun to dress up as pirates, but wouldn't it be even better if we could fly off to neverland as well? I wish my daycare kids were as active as I remember being, but this is the world of 8 year olds with cell phones, and ds's. So I guess we'll have to ammend that.
There are some advantages to working with a daycare.. the field trips!! Who doesn't love a good field trip? Well on Wednesday we went and saw Night at the museum 2

it was fantastic!! I loved it! I've seen both of them, and I thought this one was great, even better then the first one. It was so cute, and funny. I especially liked the amelia earhart character, and when I saw this photo it made me think of her

That was the highlight of my day. Then we got home, and we were playing out front. We live on a cul-de-sac, so its perfect for playing out in the frontyard. Me and the "big girls" sat on the front porch and read and listened to ipods while all the little ones were playing four square and baseball.

(this is what my front porch pretty much looked like, not entirely sure where this image came from either)

and their shoes inspired me to take a picture of my own with converse bc the girls and I were all wearing them too.

This has been a great start to summer. And of course I have to put a picture of my adorable godson in this post.

this is his idea of dress up,

I'll have to say laying by the pool isn't a rough life either, I've already started getting some color. One of my friends and I also joined a kickboxing class, and Tuesday was our first night, and let me tell you we were dying. I could not believe how tough it was, I told my mom I'm pretty sure the lady was talking specifically to me when she said things like "if you cant keep up do something with your arms." This was the first of hopefully many classes to come, also my mom and I are going to play volleyball, and I joined a co-ed softball team, so hopefully I'll get back into shape.

Ok, well I have a few other things to share, but hopefully I'll be able to post them tomorrow before I go to Disneyland! Until then, everyone have a wonderful rest of their Thursday!


josslynn nicole

Friday, June 12, 2009

Current wild obsessions

Hello lovelies,
Well it has been a long week, but a good one. All the little kiddies are out of school finally. So my job as soccermom is now over, however that means that my job as babysitter starts on monday. We are going to have soo much fun this summer with fieldtrips, and pool time, can't wait. However this has left me in a little bit of a love life rut. I dont mind, but everyone in my immediate presence does. The little girls I babysit, (12 and 14) were telling me about these little boys in their classes that have crushes on them, and then they turned to me,and said, "joss, why don't you have boy stories any more?" I responded because my life has suddenly become consumed by watching you guys, driving the beast(our suburban), and toting around a two year old. Doesn't exactly make guys wanna get your number. So thats where I am at right now. My mom thinks I should sign up for eharmony. I dont see the point, I'm perfectly content with my nonexistent love life right now. besides I'm only 19, no need to rush. I guess it doesn't help that none of my friends are coming home from college this summer, and most of my girlfriends have bfs, and a lot of my guy friends have recently gotten married, and have kids to consume their lives, I feel a little left behind, but I'm kind of ok with that...for now. And recently there was a connection with the starbucks barista, so we'll have to see where that leads. In the mean time, I am reading plenty of romance novels,(or smut books as my aunts call them), trying to start my baby clothing line, going to the gym, and working for my mom. Here are a few picts from my life, and a few just to make you smile!! Hope you all have a great weekend!
Josslynn Nicole
(my pict)
How adorable are these little dc's? I was out running errands with my godson, and I saw these and I couldn't pass them up, so my godson got these cool new shoes. I'm a great godmother if I do say so myself, maybe when he needs it I'll even turn a pumpkin into a carriage for him, lol

this is me in my new t-shirt, I have become completely consumed, and can not wait for this movie to come out

The pictures below I found online

Sunday, June 7, 2009

london weather, laker lovin'

hello lovelies,

here is what i think would be more appropriate to wear in the weather we have been having. This totally adorable London fashioned outfit. from mandy1979 on Polyvore. Man, I wish I lived somewhere I could dress like this all the time. My wardrobe happens to consist of mainly these colors so I would be just fine.
ok, thats all, hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend, my family is finishing it off by watching the Lakers beat the Magic. Go Lakers!!
however, i think i have traded my former Laker love for my new love J.J. Redick, from the magic, I'm not a traitor, but he is very very cute.

josslynn nicole

Friday, June 5, 2009


Its naptime...the munchkin is currently trying to sing himself to sleep. Well Happy Friday everyone!!! So I didn't think much about the saying June gloom until this week. Today, and yesterday it has been raining nonstop there have been thunder and lighting storms, I didn't think this was supposed to happen in California. Oh well, I'm loving it, I love the rain!!!
(none of these are my images)
So anyone have any cool plans this weekend?? I hope to go see The Hangover with my bro and his best friends.. we'll see. I will also be keeping up with my current obsessions.. of blogging, organizing, scrapbooking, and watching all kinds of martha stewart and wedding shows. I'm so lame.. lol oh wel i love it. and hopefully I will be going out with my beautiful middle school friend Annalise(otherwise known as Nana) for lunch.
josslynn nicole

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Beginning...of my blog/summer

So it has been a crazy month being home from school, there's been a graduation, a baby, and some craziness sprinkled here and there, and I have decided to officially start "blogging" I have been following a couple blogs, and kind of looking what it is that a blog contains so I think that I am finally ready to start my own and be consistent. It has been quite a week, I'm babysitting my godson, and picking up the after school daycare kids for my mom, so basically i have been a soccermom this week. haha. so this will be a place where I share my day to day happenings, as well as my obsessions, and the things that I am a fanatic about...

So here's the little bro at his bacclaureate...and this is the not so normal fam, at least our parents

and here is my bros and the other boys who might as well be my little brothers too since they live at my house as much as my brother does
And after two years the old gang is back the only one we are missing is ry who is overseas protecting our country
and this is my adorable godson...
so here is the beginning, my summer has just begun... and you are sure to find out all about me just in time for college to start again... so have a great night!!
ps Lakers kicke butt tonight!! YEAY!!