Hello Dears,
Well this weekend was fantastic. I had soo much fun. My brother and I had a great time. Well, let me start at the beginning, on my drive up there I was listening to a book on tape and that book was one of the greatest romances that I think that I have ever "read." It is by Jude Deveraux and it is called Lavendar Morning. I highly recommend it to every woman out there. I am sending it to my mom to listen to it. I was so entranced by it that that night when I was going to sleep I listened to the last hour of it because I couldn't wait til I was on the road again to finish it. Anyways, that was a random aside. When I got to my brother's apartment, I got cleaned up and when we jumoed on the bus and went to get crepes. They were delicious. It was so cool being on our own. We felt like we were finally really adults. We were alone, able to make our own decisions. It was very liberating, and a little scary to realize how grown up we are. While eating our crepes we talked about our family and all that our younger cousins have to look forward to, it was very sweet. The next day we went to lunch with our step brother Ryan, and his wife, Shannon, it was really great to see them, it always is. Then after that we dropped off my car, and as we were getting out we say the blue angels fly over for fleet week, and that was pretty awesome. Then we took the bus to the golden gate bridge, and we walked the WHOLE thing. It was very cold but also breathtaking and amazing. It was so much fun!! Then we took the wrong bus, but eventually figured it out,and we went and had tea at Crown and Crumpet. Which I believe i have posted about before back in July. It was a bit girlie for my brother, but I absolutely loved it! Then we walked down to fisherman's wharf and had clam chowder at the same restaurant where we all had dinner when we road tripped to drop Brenn off for college, and we had the same waiter, and as we were leaving, he let us know he remembered us, because he said "see you next month around the same time, since you seem to make monthly visits" I thought it was cool, Brennan didn't find it as intriguing. Then we took the bus, and ironically where we got off to change buses was sitting our waiter from the tea place, so we talked to him for a little while, I should have checked to see if it was a full moon with all the funny little meetings taking place. We then went back to Brenns apartment. The next day we did some shopping, bought Brenn an amazing peacoat from express, which as he would say makes him look "sexy" haha, well it is very nice, then I went to his basketball game, where he won. That was the end of my trip. The next morning I dropped him off at school and then headed for SLO, to see my best friend for her birthday. I hope to share my time with her in a later post. Hope you all are having a lovely week!
josslynn nicole