Thursday, December 10, 2009

Soul mates..

Soo what do you think when you hear the term soul mates?

Hello lovelies, well, apparently extra stress causes me to wonder about really random thoughts. Today I was just thinking about the concept of a soulmate. My personal beliefs are that there is one person out there that is supposed to be with the other person, like there is an unseen connection and eventually they will find each other. Now, I am not saying this is correct, and some people do not even think that it is plausible. Some questions I have encountered due to this belief are the following:

- what if your soul mate marries someone else and then finds you?
- what if you find your soulmate, and you get married and then they die, then what?
- how will you find each other?
- even if they live at the north pole you think that you would still find them?

Ok, so I am not saying i have all the answers, and I know that I sound silly, but I do truly believe that there are soulmates out there. For the first question, I think that if they are supposed to be with you that something will happen to enable that. I dont really have answers to the other ones. I know that this is a fanciful idea. but it is one that I will continue to hold onto, until proven otherwise. Perhaps I am just a hopeless romantic, who grew up watching too many chick flicks and reading too many fairy tales, but I think in the end you always find the person you were supposed to be with, I just think that some people choose to settle too soon, and miss their opportunity. How do you ever know for sure? I don't know, but all the people I know who have fallen in love, and then gotten married, and it actually worked out have said that "they just knew" so hopefully I will just know.
Anyways, I know this just sounds like rambling, but I would like to hear your thoughts, how do you feel about the idea of "soulmates"?
josslynn nicole

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