Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wow its Wednesday!

Hello lovelies,
I cannot believe it is Wednesday, this week is going by fast, and slow at the same time if that makes sense at all. haha, please excuse me, I am already a little fried from my schedule. Anyways, I am currently reading the book above, and I absolutely love it! I told my mom I try and read Julie Garwood books slowly because I love them sooo much! Especially any of the series related to the Buchannans, I just love them, and I have read all of them multiple times. I highly recommend them. The women are heroic and daring, and independent (and I love that) and the men are either in the FBI, the police department, or the armed forces, who doesn't love a man in uniform? Anyways, I just love these books, and I wish she would write more often, but I guess I just have to be more patient. I highly recommend any of her books, but I particularly loved Shadow Music and this one is turning out to be great as well! Ok, darlings, I hope that you are making it through your week with grace and loveliness.

josslynn nicole

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